
[vcat_testimonial style=”10″ rating=”0″ image_id=”15779″ client_name=”Akshaya S Agarwal” client_title=”Financial Planner”]I was searching for some shift in certain areas of my life & Constellation came in my life. Frankly speaking I didn’t even knew the ‘C’ of Constellation when I attended for the 1st time. I just thought that it was the answer to my prayers to bring the much needed change in my life. I was totally open for the experience & just surrendered myself to the process & really came through with so many good things & answers. It helped me to move on in my life, freed me from unnecessary extra burdens. It helped me release those age old, emotional imprints which I didn’t even know were there.

It helped my life flow more smoothly, to explore more new things, feeling more lighter & there is ease in life!!! It has definitely helped me streamline my life.
Thanks to Bindu as this came to me through her![/vcat_testimonial]

[vcat_testimonial style=”10″ rating=”0″ client_name=”Rupali Monga, ” client_title=”Clinical Hypnotherapist, Life coach & Transformational Leader” image_id=”15779″]

The Journey of Systemic Constellations, for me, has been a powerful, liberating one. I was stuck in disastrous pattern of self abuse through self sabotage. This had caused immense havoc in my career, and the relationships I held dear to me. Systemic Constellations revealed powerful hidden dymamics with my mother like:

  • I had to be in pain for anyone (specially my mother) to love me.
  • I also had to be my mother’s protector as my mom was a weakling who could not manage her life.

Gaining awareness of what was so deeply held as TRUTH by my subconscious allowed me to explore and then choose more empowering ways of being. Not being governed by the above beliefs, I was free to take charge of who I am and be the person I am, as opposed to the victim role I had to play in order to gain love.

I felt deeply, for the first time ever, the love, support and protection offered by my husband. I felt able to receive the goodness the universe gifts me, without masking behavior.


[vcat_testimonial style=”10″ rating=”0″ client_name=”Archana Kulkarni” image_id=”15779″ client_title=”Life Transformation Catalyst, CEO Jeevan Maggic”]I am so thankful to you for bringing Systemic Constellation Work.

It has created wonders for me. I have seen Immediate results as well as long term effects. I also received a call from a co-participant who was sharing her happiness about getting a job after the constellation.

I love the way you create such a nice space for the client while allowing every sub-conscious aspect of client’s issue to come up and that allows resolution for the issue.


[vcat_testimonial style=”10″ rating=”0″ client_name=”Zehra Shinde” client_title=”Self-Employed” image_id=”15779″]

I have attended “The Constellation Workshop” conducted by Dr. Bindu Y Gupta in Feb 2014. Though I had a very vague idea of what constellation in a self development workshop meant, I still enrolled purely on what Dr. Bindu had told me that it is an experiential workshop and explanations will not give a true picture and also based on her reputation of being a gifted healer herself.

My experience was a journey as I curiously entered the first session…there was no trailer, we went directly into action! The first constellation was like a blindfolded walk, during it the blindfolds were released and all became clear as daylight.

I realised that the constellation is an act of faith- faith on the universal energy and faith on ourselves being the medium of illumination.

Some revelations are stunning, some are just to be, some are releasing and some contemplative.

I found my identity by finding my place in my family system & connected with my yin energy.

The way Bindu leads a constellation is very fascinating. One may see the obvious in a situation but she unveils something different that hits the issue on the head.
Thank you Dr. Bindu for giving me this experience.


[vcat_testimonial style=”10″ rating=”0″ client_name=”Smita Nair” client_title=”Nutritionist & Alternative Healing Therapist” image_id=”15779″]

Constellation has helped me in several aspects of my life. Being a therapist myself, I’m aware of the importance of healing oneself and the way different therapies work on different areas and issues of life.

Constellation came to me at a point in life where pretty much all of my issues were sorted & some deep rooted ones needed to be addressed. The constellations would bring out the energies from the deepest of areas of my life, from which ever lifetime they are coming. The essence, beauty and power of those energies are too strong to be missed or even to not be amazed. Another beautiful aspect of the constellation is that when you play as a representative in anyone else’s issue, even then naturally that segment of life that resembles the same energy automatically gets healed. So even a day for constellation is like a loads of intense self work on yourself & walking out recharged. I fall short of words to express the benefits of Constellation. It is something that is worth experiencing.

My best of all constellations was when my inner strength issue got resolved. I had approached Bindu for my daughter’s Bronchial Asthma and the issue that surfaced up was that me unwilling to accept my inner strength which suffocated my child. Yes, my issue is sorted & so is hers. Her bronchial asthma attacks have reduced by 95% & she even eats ice-creams which she never could since her childhood. A lot shifted in my space after that constellation. How does it get even better than that? Wish u luck Bindu! Thanks for being such an amazing contribution to mine & so many others’ life.


[vcat_testimonial style=”10″ rating=”0″ client_name=”Ruchi Roongta” client_title=”Reiki, Hypnotherapy & Access Bars Practitioner, Access Bars Facilitator & Angel Card Reader” image_id=”15779″]

I have been attending family or systemic constellation workshops for over 2 years. With each workshop I attended, I had lots of insights, shifts, lots of changes in myself whether I was representing or being an observer or as a client.

I would like to tell about one of my profound experiences which changed in me something very huge in regards to becoming a mother that too as a representative, it is beyond words. There is something unique about the way Bindu ma’am facilitates…it touches your core. In gratitude to Bindu Ma’am!
