We are a sum total of whatever our ancestors, grandparents and parents were and are. Each and every cell of our body contains a storehouse of information passed on to us over generations. If there is a lot of wisdom, then there are limiting beliefs as well as patterns which act as blocks in our life. Of course, this causes a lot of issues and hindrances to experience totality of abundance. But, this does not mean it is the end of the story. Rather, these blocks can help you find solutions and can become your stepping stones for healing yourself.
Systemic Healing System (SHS) is a modality focused entirely on releasing these patterns from the cellular memories which we have been carrying right from the time we were conceived. It is a modality which invokes the ancestral energies to help you through the process of transformation. There are specific symbols of this modality which are drawn and a process is followed to release the energy blocks of the family system. The person needs to be initiated for this System by the Facilitator in order to connect with the Family System not just of themselves but in future with whom so ever they work with.
This are the key features of Systemic Healing System
Will there be a problem if ancestral energies are invoked?
Every ancestor would like to see their forth coming generations to be happy. They are there to bless us. If there is any blockages of energy, then we feel that they are blocking us. But in energy world, they are trying to show us the blocks to release them.Why do we carry Karmic Debris of other people from our Family System?
Each person carries everything that they receive or to be specific is stored in the DNA. Our cellular memories are nothing but a sum total of our DNA. Any incomplete emotions or incomplete karmas of one person are carried forward by the other person.
For example, if somewhere five generations before, an aunt was outcasted from the family because she had a mental disorder and was sent to the mental asylum, was never cared for or checked upon by the family members, then there will be someone taking her position to complete the incomplete emotions of being deserted and isolation. Hence, she needs to be given her position with respect and honour, so that the energy of love can once again flow back into the system.