Family Constellations is a profound healing modality as well as a diagnostic tool brought in by a German psychotherapist, philosopher Bert Hellinger. We as human beings are designed in a way where we carry our traits and attributes from our DNA, i.e. we carry them from our family lineage. For example, a child born in the family looks exactly like his paternal grandfather or a daughter replicate her eating habits exactly like her mother. All of this is possible because of the information present in our DNA. Like the good habits, we also carry forward the sufferings of our parents, grandparents and our ancestors unknowingly exactly like the way we carry the good traits. We unknowingly suffer their sufferings without understanding the root cause from where are they originating. All of this leads to unhappiness in our lives and entanglements.
The question now is, “How and why are we suffering their sufferings when they are no longer present in their physical bodies?” The answer to this is, there is a “Supreme Energy Field” where we all belong to. And this is the place where these entanglements are present and are coded in our DNA as well. This is the field where one can identify the entanglements with the help of a facilitator and resolve the issues where reasons for the issues where unexplainable earlier.
Family Constellations take you on a journey of a dynamic consciousness where one can become aware of “All That Is” presence and re-connect themselves to the SOURCE of their existence.
Becoming ONE with the “All That Is” presence, the ancestors, the energy field and everyone who belongs to the family system.
You can read more about Family Constellations on – www.familyconstellations.co.in